viernes, 12 de junio de 2009

My career

Anthropology is a very little known career in Chili, because it is relatively a new career at the universities and there are little anthropologist, archeologist and physical anthropologist in the work market.
I like this career because is an holistic discipline, it covers many subjects about the society, the history, the economic, the man's evolution, the linguistic, the genetic development and mainly about the culture. I think that this career permits to work in many different areas, but for that I think too that sometimes is difficult to cover one area in special, because all is related.
I like anthropology also because permits to create projects about indigenous communities to demand their rights, and integrate their knowledges to the urban societies. I think that is important to generate a feedback between the different cultures, and is important to know the history of our evolution for to understand our specie and to see that we are only one animal more in the planet, one animal with some special feature but the great majority of our human history has been a figth with tne nature like the figth of other animals. So, we are an special animal, but an animal more in this planet, an animal that has been making too much damage to the nature and himself.

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