Challenges in your discipline.
The Anthropology is a young social discipline, for this reason, it is in constant challenge with the different teorical schools. But in the first place, the main challenge that the anthropology has been had in the XX century, has been to admit and to restore the fact that is a discipline daughter of the european colonialism. The anthropology was born for a need of the european states of to know the other cultures that were dominanting. For that reason, after of the evolucionist school of the XIX century, in the recent century, the anthropolgist have been trying to rescue the identity of that cultures subordinated and forgot.
It seems to me that, the looking that found to rescue this cultures, is a first step for to overcome the gray birth.
But, the second challenge is to gather the first change, and then to have a looking not ethnocentrist, to be more precise, is necesary a that the anthropoly study the other cultures that don't be of the first world thinking their like equals cultures, equal people, and not like lower cultures. For this aspect, I think that is too important to value to the other in all instance in our lifes, not only respect to other people or communities. At this point,the respet and the tolerance are the most important if we wish to be good anthropologist, I mean, that the people different to our own culture don't is a "study object", but a "study individual"; in the anthropology the researcher and the researchered are two individual that build the knowledge.
Finally, I think that today our challenge is that we should worry for the actuals conflicts in the pay, for example, for the mapuche conflict or political and social problems, because before of to look to outside, we should to look inside oneself, and is not enough with dress up like "artesa" or "hippie" believe us "pachamamicos", if wee don't have anything for the problems.
The Anthropology is a young social discipline, for this reason, it is in constant challenge with the different teorical schools. But in the first place, the main challenge that the anthropology has been WF had in the XX century, has been to admit and to restore the fact that is a discipline daughter of the CAPS european colonialism. The anthropology was born for a need of the european states of to know the other cultures that were dominanting. For that reason, after of the evolucionist school of the XIX century, in the recent century, the anthropolgist SVA have been trying to rescue the identity of that cultures subordinated and forgot.
ResponderEliminarIt seems to me that, the looking that found to rescue WF this cultures, is a first step for to overcome the gray birth.
But, the second challenge is to gather the first change, and then to have a looking not ethnocentrist, to be more precise, is necesary a that the SP anthropoly SVA study the other cultures that don't be of the first world thinking their like equals cultures, equal people, and not like lower cultures. For this aspect, I think that is too important to value to the other in all instance in our WW lifes, not only respect to other people or communities. At this point,the respet and the tolerance are the most important if we wish WF to be good anthropologist, I mean, that the people different to our own culture don't WW is a "study object", but a "WO study individual"; in the anthropology the researcher and the researchered are two individual that build the knowledge.
Finally, I think that today our challenge is that we should worry for the actuals conflicts in the pay, for example, for the CAPS mapuche conflict or political and social problems, because before of to look to outside, we should to look inside oneself, and is not enough with dress up like "artesa" or "hippie" believe us "pachamamicos", if wee don't have anything for the problems.
well done! I think tough you should make some sentences a bit shorter so that will help to clear your ideas...
p.s. you got a 5.2