The new buses system, at the begining was an experience with too many problems for the people, because people didn't know how utilizing it, and the routes weren`t clear. Regarding the bad aspects about this transport we can see the bad organization for the routes, because there was not a study about the population, the places more crowded, the different timetables. This system was have only for engineers and had not it a sociologic study for to know the people's needs. Even though the Transantiago was very problematic in the first year of its departure, there are some good things. I believe that one subject very important is that there are less robberies, and in the news already we don't see deaths of drivers, this has been thanks to the new pay system without cash, but with Bip card. This system is more safety and comfortable.Other good thing is the buses's design, because it has more capacity and the system is qualified for disabled people. Althoug the design is not so good, because it was designed for highest people, so the comun Chilean person is shorter and is difficult for him to hold on the iron.From that Transantiago started, this has been changing to much, because the government has injected too many money, and also people have used. Now the transport it's ok, but lack some details that to repair.If I could some changes, I would study the society and the different needs in the different places. I would change the routes such way that the subway will be less crowded, becouse is stressful to train by subway in the rush hours. Also I would change the halts, I would engage designers for that embellish the city with creative halts.Maybe I would change also the buses's colors, because I find that is neccesary to put more game colours in the city, and the buses, being a public machine that almost all people use, it's a good urban place for to intervene in the social city, or in Santiago like an imaginary city.But, in spite of the Transantiago problems, I believe that now and in the future the government should worried also about the transport in other regions, because there isn't yet transport in insolated areas. And Santiago isn't Chile.
Something that I find very interesting is psychquiatric life, because I lived for 10 years in a house near of the hospital in Putaendo town, and I grew up there and I think that I had a childhood some particular, because the only people with I could to have a relationship, were patients; and the place was surrounded of big hills and pines, the landscape was very beautiful. So, I find interesting the psychquiatric because in the hospital there are people with lifes fascinanting, like a person that was a painter, or great teacher, and also there is people that has made murders, but is people very intelligent. The mind power calls me the attention, and the effect that has te pills in the face people, I find that the expression changes, the look eyes has some particular. When I saw Fuga, a Chilean movie I liked it very much because, in general, the TV or some movies caricature to the people with schizophenia, but Fuga makes in my opinion a good portrait about this subject, because shows one brilliant man, a pianist, and the conflict that there is in his mind. But I don't like the actor!The schizophenia doesn`t affect the intelligence, in fact, I have been important artists with this illness as for example painters, writers and musician, such as Van Gogh and Edward Munch. I believe that maybe the schizophenia is related with a highest intelligence kind, a kind related with the humanist knowledge. I really think that because for example, in the house where I lived, there was a bedroom where slept a young woman, and alls the walls were ruled with beautiful poems and draws, although I remember when I was child that room give me scare.
I didn't like the last term, because we had courses with too much theory and nothing of job. I think that is important to write always, above all in our carrer, so I believe that we didn`t have enough writing jobs or fieldworks, all was only academy.
I liked some good courses as Linguistic and Anthropology III. And we had also other courses as Latinoamerican History, where I liked the topics, but not the teach form, in spite of that I learned too much reading the books about the American discovery, but I didn`t learn nothing in class.
One advantage was that we had a course about Phisical anthropology, becouse we had not had some related with this anthropology area, the mayority matter has been about archeology and social anthropology.
Other advantage was that I had more free time, and I can take french class and to go out more to places that I like it.
A disadvantage was that we didn't doing individual essays. I think that is good "release the hand". Even though I didn't like too much the obligatory courses, I did yoga and English 3. Yoga was useful for my horrific phisical state, and English 3 was really hard for me, but despite the fact that I learned some...I think.
I think also that the term didn`t was good for me because I had some health problems and I should did difficult exams that puted me really angry.
So, I like this term very much although some people says that this term is very social, but I am really enjoying the courses, and I am doing other things out of the university for the university life doesn't be my only worry.
I would like to visit France. I would like to know Paris, the Louvre Museum, the Eiffel Tower, some theater, the Chartres cathedral, and I would like to walk on Montparnasse neighborhood and to visit some cafè where were some famous vanguards artists like painters as Van Goh, Lautrec, Hebuterne, or poets like Rimbaud, Baudelaire and our poet Huidobro. I like that because is a bohemian place and it has too many stories about lovers, tragedics and torments, I think that Montparnasse has to be a place full of colors.
I would like to go with my future fianceè Sandra Rebolledo, because both like us the nocturne shows, so we would visit the Moulin Rouge and bohemian spectacles like plays or opera. I would study there, and although I know that is difficult, I am learning french because I like it very much the sound, and I like to see french movies, and because I would like to apply for a scholarship about visual antrophology or about aesthetic. But I think that is easier to dream, so for while, I am studing the language and I hear to Edith Piaf songs if in the future maybe I could to travel although it would be a travel pleasure.