Some crazy.
Something that I find very interesting is psychquiatric life, because I lived for 10 years in a house near of the hospital in Putaendo town, and I grew up there and I think that I had a childhood some particular, because the only people with I could to have a relationship, were patients; and the place was surrounded of big hills and pines, the landscape was very beautiful. So, I find interesting the psychquiatric because in the hospital there are people with lifes fascinanting, like a person that was a painter, or great teacher, and also there is people that has made murders, but is people very intelligent. The mind power calls me the attention, and the effect that has te pills in the face people, I find that the expression changes, the look eyes has some particular. When I saw Fuga, a Chilean movie I liked it very much because, in general, the TV or some movies caricature to the people with schizophenia, but Fuga makes in my opinion a good portrait about this subject, because shows one brilliant man, a pianist, and the conflict that there is in his mind. But I don't like the actor!The schizophenia doesn`t affect the intelligence, in fact, I have been important artists with this illness as for example painters, writers and musician, such as Van Gogh and Edward Munch. I believe that maybe the schizophenia is related with a highest intelligence kind, a kind related with the humanist knowledge. I really think that because for example, in the house where I lived, there was a bedroom where slept a young woman, and alls the walls were ruled with beautiful poems and draws, although I remember when I was child that room give me scare.
Something that I find very interesting is psychquiatric life, SP becouse I lived for 10 years in a house near of the hospital in Putaendo town, and I grew up there and I think that I had a childhood some particular, because the only people with I can WF related were patients, and the place was surrounded of big hills and pines, the landscape was very beautiful. So, I find interesting the psychquiatric because in the hospital there are people with lifes fascinanting, like a person that was a painter, or great teacher, and also there is people that has made murders, but is people very intelligent.
ResponderEliminarThe mind power calls me the SP attencion, and the effect that has te pills in the face people, I find that the expression changes, the look eyes has some particular. When I saw Fuga, a cCAPS hilean movie I liked it very much because, in general, the TV or some movies caricature to the people with schizophenia, but Fuga makes in my opinion a good portrait about this subject, because shows one brilliant man, a pianist, and the conflict that there is in his mind. But I don't like the actor!
The schizophenia doesn`t affect the intelligence, in fact, ^ have been important artists with this illness as for example painters, writers and musicianSUCH AS....... I believe that maybe the schizophenia is related with a highest intelligence kind, a kind related with the humanist knowledge.
I really think that because for example, in the house where I lived, there was a bedroom where slept a young woman, and alls the walls were ruled with beautiful poems and draws, although I remember when I was child that room WW gave me scare
Interesting but a bit scary :)
good dani you only need to add more support to your ideas and then use more complex structures
you got a 6