domingo, 25 de octubre de 2009

The most embarassing moment...The most?

When I try to remember embarassing moments I don't remember anything, but if I to think more, uff! I put me blush! So, I will count one of much moments. 
Well, a short time, in a summer ago, I was go to a gym. I prefered to go in the morning, becouse there were less people in the machines, and less magnific womans, so I felt more relax. A day, I went to the gym like all the morning, and was only the teacher. The teacher was a man very handsome, he didn't was a typical "Jhony Bravo", but he was a pleasant and good looking person. Ok, he like me but only as an idilic love.
So, when I was in the gym, I started to exercise in a static bicycle. There was music, and I was very concentratred in my routine. Meanwhile, like I was hot for the exercise, I dried my face with a towel that I put on the irons of the bicycle.
After, the teacher was to see how I was, becouse I was the only person there. And the teacher said me: Dany, seems that yo have something in you face. And then, he said me: come here, to the bathroom.
I thought that I had some bite, but when he indicated me the mirror, I said: OH! I had all my face black, because the towel on the irons was satined with the grease of the machine, then when I dried I got oil stains on my face. I looked a crazy! I felt too much embarrassment! I was blush, mmm black and blush.
I wished swallow me earth. But despite everything, the only good thing is that there were anybody more, but my pretty teacher what owe to have thought!
It was a bad moment, but with the time is funny to remember this occasions.

1 comentario:

  1. When I try to remember embarassing moments I don't remember anything, but if I ^to think more, uff! I put me blush! So, I will count one of much moments.

    Well, a short time, in a summer ago, I was WF go to a gym. I prefered to go in the morning, SP becouse there were less people in the machines, and less magnific WF womans, so I felt more WF relax. A day, I went to the gym like all the morning, and was only the teacher. The teacher was a man very handsome, he WW didn't was a typical "Jhony Bravo", but he was a pleasant and good looking person. Ok, he like me but only as an idilic love.

    So, when I was in the gym, I started to exercise in a static bicycle. There was music, and I was very concentratred in my routine. Meanwhile, like I was hot for the exercise, I dried my face with a towel that I put on the WW irons of the SP bicycle.

    After, the teacher was to see how I was, SP becouse I was the only person there. And the teacher said^ me: Dany, ^seems that yo have something in you face. And then, he said me: come here, to the bathroom.

    I thought that I had some ?bite, but when he indicated me the mirror, I said: OH! I had all my face black, because the towel on the irons was satined with the grease of the machine, then when I dried I got oil stains on my face. I looked a crazy! I felt WF
    too much embarrassment! I was blush, mmm black and blush.

    I WF wished swallow me earth. But despite everything, the only good thing is that there WW were anybody more, but my pretty teacher what ? owe to have thought!

    It was a bad moment, but with the time is funny to remember WFthis occasions.

    haha poor Dani, with a black face...
    it was good a laughed. Now, regarding English be careful since there are some things that are too similar in Spanish translation. check them out

    p.s. you got a 5,4
